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Owens Corning Asbestos Trust & Exposure

Owens Corning Asbestos Trust & Exposure

The Owens-Corning Corporation is a large company that develops and produces insulation, roofing tiles, and fiberglass composites.

Get Help Now with Owens Corning Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust

If you or a loved one worked at this corporation and has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease, a mesothelioma lawyer at Goldberg, Persky & White P.C. can help you with filing mesothelioma claims.

Attorney help with Asbestos Bankruptcy Trust for Owens Corning

If you are an attorney or a law firm trying to file an asbestos claim with Owens Corning Asbestos Trust, we can help you. The lawyers at Goldberg, Persky & White P.C. have been fighting for victims of asbestos exposure for over 40 years. Give us a call today.


Industry: General Building Materials, Composites
Founded: Toledo, OH (1938)
Years Operated: 1938-Present
Headquarters: Toledo, OH

Company History
In 1935, two major American glassworks companies (Owens-Il..

Mesothelioma Compensation and Monetary Help

Mesothelioma Compensation and Financial Assistance
After filing a mesothelioma claim, compensation may be awarded after the court trial. Mesothelioma compensation can be distributed in several different ways including trust funds.

Amount of compensation

The amount of compensation that can be awarded to a person differs with each specific case. With each case, the differing details of the severity of asbestos exposure, location of exposure, and amount of time exposed to the asbestos will all play a role in the settlement award. On average, a mesothelioma case settlement compensation is between 1 million and 1.4 million dollars. As it can be difficult to estimate the amount of money that will be awarded, it is important to speak with a lawyer who can help guide you through the process as well as identify the amount of money that may be awarded for your specific case.

How to receive compensation
In order to begin the process towards mesothelioma compensation, one must first find a la..

Business Regulations of Talcum Powder in Cosmetic Products

Company Regulations of Talcum Powder in Cosmetic Products
It can be easy to overlook the ingredients of everyday coveted cosmetic products, despite the importance each one may have with skin and health. This could be in part of general knowledge that its presence in-store assures for safe ingredients approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although this may be true, there still is no absolute guarantee that every product put on the shelf is completely unharmful.

Talcum powder, or talc for short, is a mineral that absorbs moisture and acts as a softening, anti-caking agent. It has been used in a variety of cosmetic products – including blush, eye shadow, face powder, foundation lipstick, mascara, and even children’s makeup. Under poor regulation conditions, products that contain cosmetic-grade talcum powder can become contaminated with asbestos. Asbestos is a natural mineral that is the only known cause of the mesothelioma – a rare and deadly disease. A mesothelioma pr..

The 5 Very important Info You Want To Know About Mesothelioma Biopsies

The 5 Vital Facts You Need To Know About Mesothelioma Biopsies
The moment you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, the lives of the people involved alter forever. The news is unsettling for family, friends and the patient themselves. Cancer can cause emotional tears along with the physical burden of extensive medical appointments. Mesothelioma is cancer that has recently been transformed through research over the past decade. With the new research comes new facts that can help make treatments and diagnosis easier than ever. Here are 5 crucial facts that can help patients navigate through their options when it comes to diagnosing their mesothelioma through biopsies and the meaning of their diagnosis!

It all starts with a simple biopsy – To properly identify mesothelioma in a patient, a biopsy is crucial for detection. As with all cancers, a biopsy can clarify if a troubled area is cancerous or not. This test involves a medical professional taking a sample of the fluid or tissue of ..

Ban Announced by EPA

Asbestos, a string-like fiber, is a substance that is mined and utilized for many purposes. According to 2017 CDC data, it has been linked to mesothelioma – a rare disease which causes about 3,000 deaths annually.
Although the widespread use of asbestos within building products (including insulations), was discontinued years ago, the use of asbestos, though limited, is still present in various industrial settings. Such settings include chemical filtrations and various vehicle brakes. If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 mesothelioma, we may be able to help you. A proper mesothelioma diagnosis is critical to understand your prognosis.
Due to many of asbestos’ harmful side effects, a tough blockage relating to the importation and manufacturing of asbestos has been set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency in April of 2019.
Prior to the ban, the EPA had set a decade-old partial ban. Unfortunately, within this partial ban were loopholes which could have st..

This Patient Extended Her Mesothelioma Life Expectancy by Years — 5 Years with Hepatitis

How This Patient Extended Her Mesothelioma Life Expectancy by Years – 5 Years with Mesothelioma
Life expectancy for patients diagnosed with any form of mesothelioma is typically poor. With that being said, here is a fascinating and inspiring story of how one patient beat the odds and happily lived well beyond her prognosis. It is very common for patients and their loved ones to aggressively explore treatment options and clinical trials.

Nevertheless, let’s find out how this patient defied all odds and spent 5 long years with her loved ones before passing away.

One specific woman who was diagnosed with malignant pleural mesothelioma, two-holiday plants, mistletoe, and winter rose helped her to control her illness. She used winter rose and mistletoe extracts as a natural mesothelioma treatment, which helped extend her mesothelioma prognosis for years.

Stories like hers can shed a light of hope to other people diagnosed with mesothelioma. If you are considering natural mesothelioma tr..

Its Immunotherapy Advances

Mesothelioma and Its Immunotherapy Advances
Mesothelioma treatment plans based on immunotherapy are giving new hope to mesothelioma patients worldwide. Some recent clinical trials suggest that immunotherapy can be more effective and provide better results when compared with standard mesothelioma chemotherapy treatment plans.

Of course, immunotherapy is an excellent option for mesothelioma patients, but patients will need to have a healthy immune system. The healthier a patient’s immune system is, the higher their chances of having a positive response from immunotherapy. Mesothelioma alternative treatments are often looked upon by patients who may not be healthy enough to undergo normal mesothelioma chemotherapy options.

Ongoing investigations regarding immunotherapy treatment also mention the existence of the microbiome, which are communities of microbes that live within our bodies. Researchers suggest that these microbiomes can affect the behavior and results of immunotherapy treatm..

Is There A Remedy for Mesothelioma?

Is There A Cure for Mesothelioma?
Although mesothelioma is incurable, treatment options and outcomes improve if the disease is detected at an early stage. However, since the time between the first exposure to asbestos and the diagnosis of mesothelioma is usually between 20 and 50 years, the disease is usually detected at an advanced stage like stage 4 mesothelioma. In addition to the time it takes for the disease and the symptoms to develop, the diagnosis is often delayed because these symptoms mimic other more common conditions. Because people confuse these symptoms with other minor ailments, they will take all the time to go to the doctor or ignore them completely.

Time is running out when it comes to fighting an aggressive disease such as mesothelioma, so the symptoms should never be ignored. Symptoms of pleural mesothelioma (chest mesothelioma) may include pain in the chest or lower back, difficulty breathing, cough, fever, excessive sweating, fatigue, weight loss (without trying)..

Causes, Remedy, And Expectancy of Life for Mesothelioma Patients

Causes, Treatment, And Expectancy of Life for Mesothelioma Patients
Mesothelioma is known to have a poor prognosis, as it is one of the most aggressive forms of cancer. Being diagnosed with mesothelioma can be shocking, often leaving patients with many questions and few answers. Organizations like The Asbestos Cancer Organization offer patients a plethora of information regarding treatment options as well as mesothelioma alternative treatments.

As this disease carries a 20 to 50 year latency period, it is typically difficult to catch stage 1 mesothelioma. Often times patients are not diagnosed until the later stages mesothelioma such as stage 4 mesothelioma.

Causes of mesothelioma
Asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma, although there are some other factors that can increase the risk of developing the disease. Exposure to asbestos usually occurs at the workplace but has also occurred in homes, schools, and other environments. Symptoms usually take 20 to 50 years an..

Mesothelioma Analysis Information: To Belief or To not Belief?

Mesothelioma Research News: To Trust or Not to Trust?
In the current age that we live in, we are more informed than ever as we have access to websites, newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc. This flood of information makes our generation and those that follow the most connected and educated than ever before, or at least we have the potential to be. Utilizing this information in an effective manner can be challenging. The cool aspect of having this much information at our fingertips is that it allows us to learn about rare diseases such as mesothelioma, its symptoms, diagnosis, and new mesothelioma treatment options.

Usually, when new research with scientific discovery is published, all sorts of websites rush to cover the news, often using attracting and catching headlines to call the readers’ attention. Even academic websites apply a positive tone to the news in order to attract more attention.

While searching for information on mesothelioma, it is extremely important to keep in mind and..