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Business Regulations of Talcum Powder in Cosmetic Products

Company Regulations of Talcum Powder in Cosmetic Products
It can be easy to overlook the ingredients of everyday coveted cosmetic products, despite the importance each one may have with skin and health. This could be in part of general knowledge that its presence in-store assures for safe ingredients approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Although this may be true, there still is no absolute guarantee that every product put on the shelf is completely unharmful.

Talcum powder, or talc for short, is a mineral that absorbs moisture and acts as a softening, anti-caking agent. It has been used in a variety of cosmetic products – including blush, eye shadow, face powder, foundation lipstick, mascara, and even children’s makeup. Under poor regulation conditions, products that contain cosmetic-grade talcum powder can become contaminated with asbestos. Asbestos is a natural mineral that is the only known cause of the mesothelioma – a rare and deadly disease. A mesothelioma pr..

The 5 Very important Info You Want To Know About Mesothelioma Biopsies

The 5 Vital Facts You Need To Know About Mesothelioma Biopsies
The moment you or a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, the lives of the people involved alter forever. The news is unsettling for family, friends and the patient themselves. Cancer can cause emotional tears along with the physical burden of extensive medical appointments. Mesothelioma is cancer that has recently been transformed through research over the past decade. With the new research comes new facts that can help make treatments and diagnosis easier than ever. Here are 5 crucial facts that can help patients navigate through their options when it comes to diagnosing their mesothelioma through biopsies and the meaning of their diagnosis!

It all starts with a simple biopsy – To properly identify mesothelioma in a patient, a biopsy is crucial for detection. As with all cancers, a biopsy can clarify if a troubled area is cancerous or not. This test involves a medical professional taking a sample of the fluid or tissue of ..