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What’s Stage 4 Mesothelioma?

What is Stage 4 Mesothelioma?

Stage 4 Mesothelioma is the final stage of mesothelioma. There are four stages of Pleural Mesothelioma. The fourth stage is the most severe because there are not many treatments to help. The treatments that are used can only help decrease some pain and help with a situation like breathing difficulties. The ultimate goal for a patient with stage 4 is to improve their contentment; since the mesothelioma has typically progressed through the body at this stage.

Stage 4 Pleural Mesothelioma Info
The advancement of cancer is determined by how much it has spread throughout the body. This cancer has spread through many parts of the body in stage four.

Mesothelioma in Stage 4 can spread to many areas, the common ones include:

The lining of the heart
Abdominal Organs
Abdominal organs
The opposite side of the chest
Distant lymph nodes

Stage 4 Mesothelioma Symptoms
Symptoms, such as tumors and metastasis, for this cancer are most prominent in stage f..

Guidelines on Traveling After LASIK

Guidelines on Travel After LASIK
The healing period after LASIK surgery at the Yaldo Eye Center is usually very quick. However, patients often have doubts about how soon they can resume travel activities. In this article, we will cover all the dos and don’ts of travel after Lasik.

Driving after LASIK Eye Surgery
Driving after lasik eye surgery is not recommended. You must bear in mind that after undergoing LASIK surgery you will not be able to drive back home, that is why it is recommended that the patient goes to the surgery with a companion. Often eye surgeons prescribe a mild sedative, such as Valium, which should be taken before surgery to help patients stay relaxed during the procedure. The effect of the medication takes several hours to disappear, therefore the perception and reaction of patients will be affected during that time. In addition, after the surgery, the patient’s vision will be blurred due to the lubricating drops applied immediately after the procedure. Because of these two factors, it is important for patients to arrange for someone to drive them home following the procedure.

After the LASIK procedure, patients may experience dry eye symptoms during the healing and recovery process. The Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Mississippi Medical Center reports that the eye is more vulnerable to drying environments in the six months after LASIK surgery. Dry eyes can make vision blurry during the first days of the healing process. The use of artificial tears is very useful to relieve the symptoms of dry eye. Some patients, particularly those in dry climates and air-conditioned environments, may choose to apply drops every few hours for a week or two after Michigan laser eye surgery. It is not recommended to drive after lasik eye surgery.

In the first 24 hours after your surgery, most patients experience a significant improvement in their vision, approximately 20/40 or better. The vision then continues to improve gradually over the next few weeks. Usually, the surgeon schedules a postoperative checkup the day after LASIK surgery. Most patients feel comfortable enough with their vision to go to their appointment.

Some patients may experience sensitivity to light and choose to delay driving for a day or two. The use of sunglasses is recommended to minimize exposure to intense sunlight, especially the week after surgery.

Flying after LASIK Eye Surgery
Flying after lasik eye surgery is very common. Most patients with LASIK are allowed to fly during their next-day follow-up appointment. This is good news for patients who traveled outside their city to perform this procedure, as well as for those who travel frequently for work or pleasure reasons.

The eye is not affected by the pressurization of the altitude in the cockpit of an airplane differently after laser eye surgery. However, because the cabins of the aircraft have low humidity, the patient is usually more prone to suffer symptoms of dry eye during the flight. Therefore, when traveling on an airplane, use lubricant drops more frequently to combat the dryness caused by air conditioning. Also, if you have dry eyes while on an airplane, closing your eyes during the flight and limiting participation in activities that involve staring (working on a computer or reading) can help you reduce symptoms. It is important to avoid rubbing the eyes or having dust in the eyes. Good hydration is always important, drink extra water when your flies can be very beneficial. This can help when you get Detroit lasik eye surgery at our clinic.

Patients should avoid any kind of trauma to the eye after undergoing LASIK. It is for this reason that ophthalmologists recommend avoiding the practice of contact sports for a month and pools and hot tubs for two months after laser eye surgery. If you are traveling to a vacation destination that involves high levels of athletic activity or swimming, plan the time of surgery and holidays accordingly. Sports eye protection and the use of sunglasses regardless of the season are essential. These reasons make it okay for flying after lasik eye surgery.

Traveling for work after Lasik
Most patients who undergo LASIK Michigan can rejoin their work activities within a day or two after their LASIK surgery. During the first few days, you may want to plan to take short breaks to rest your eyes. If your profession makes scheduling breaks more challenging, like truck drivers, firefighters, and pilots, talk to your doctor about when to return to work. Pilots, for example, may not plan to take breaks due to the need for visual guidelines. In fact, the vision provides pilots with approximately 80 percent of all flight information, including air traffic, risks and printed materials, such as flight documents and cockpit instruments.

LASIK eye surgery Michigan has little impact on travel plans, however, you should take certain precautions to avoid the appearance of bothersome symptoms after surgery. After the procedure, patients can resume their normal activities in a short period of time and, at the same time, enjoy more fully an active lifestyle.

The post Guidelines on Travel After LASIK appeared first on Top Michigan Lasik Eye Surgery | Yaldo Eye Center | (248) 553-9800.

Handling Asbestos Siding

Do you have Asbestos Siding in your home?

A Brief History of Asbestos

Without diving too deep into the history of asbestos, we should touch on a few key points. This will help you know if you have to worry about the carcinogenic material, or if it isn’t going to be present in your house.

Most people think that this mineral is a 20th-century discovery. In fact, it dates back much further than that. The material was actually being used as far back as 4000 BC in ancient Egypt. And even the discovery that it was harmful has been known for quite some time. In the first century Pliny, the Elder wrote about how slaves that worked closely with the substance would get sick and die prematurely.

Fast forward to the 20th century when the use of asbestos was really starting to pick up. People wanted to have insulated houses, and this mineral did a remarkably good job. It was strong, fire resistant, insulated well and was incredibly versatile. It also caused cancer.

About Asbestos Siding


Could you’ve Lasik over 50?

Can You Get LASIK After Age 50?
Can you have Lasik over 50? Is LASIK surgery only for young people? Not necessarily. Each patient is different, therefore each patient is conditioned by a unique set of circumstances that must be evaluated before determining if laser eye surgery is the best option to treat your vision problems.

LASIK surgery is able to treat myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism at any age. However, your ophthalmologist will perform a series of exhaustive preoperative LASIK evaluations to determine if you are an ideal candidate for this procedure. The ophthalmologist will evaluate the health of your eye, as well as the regularity and thickness of the cornea.

Below we will discuss some eye health problems and diseases that may affect your candidacy for LASIK surgery.

Eye diseases and LASIK candidacy
The loss of vision due to eye diseases is more likely as we get older. The most common diseases that can diminish your vision after 50 years are cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. If your vision is significantly reduced due to an eye disease, to the point where you cannot even see clearly with the glasses, Lasik surgery Michigan is not an option for you.

Cataracts and LASIK candidacy
Cataracts cause a cloudy and blurred vision. In the early stages, the progression of the cataract can be detected due to frequent changes of prescription of lenses to maintain adequate vision. You must have a stable prescription for at least one year to qualify for LASIK. Therefore, if you have cataracts at an early stage, you can disqualify for the LASIK procedure, however, it may not be severe enough to require surgical removal.

During Michigan cataract surgery, the lens is removed and replaced by an intraocular lens implant. You should keep in mind that despite the sophisticated calculations, most patients still have a small amount of refractive error after surgery. This refractive error is usually so tiny that most patients have a clear vision without using prescription glasses. However, those patients who want more accurate vision correction should consider laser eye surgery after cataract surgery. Both LASIK and PRK are excellent laser eye surgery techniques that further improve your vision. Your surgeon will recommend the most appropriate form of Lasik in Michigan for you.

The candidacy of presbyopia and LASIK
If you are over 40, you probably suffer from presbyopia or difficulty seeing near objects and treat this condition with the use of reading glasses. However, the monovision LASIK procedure offers you a permanent solution. During the monovision procedure, your dominant eye is corrected for use as a distant vision eye, and your non-dominant eye is then corrected for near vision.

In those patients who suffered from myopia before the procedure, the non-dominant eye is slightly less corrected. If you were not Nearsighted before the procedure, your non-dominant eye will be corrected to be slightly myopic. The correction of the non-dominant eye will allow you a better reading and other jobs that require near vision, but you will see less well in the distance. You may find it uncomfortable at first to use one eye for distance vision and the other for near vision. However, as time passes, your brain will adapt to the processing of the images.

One month after the procedure, approximately 90 percent of patients feel satisfied with their vision. They can see clearly from close up and from a distance without the need to use glasses. Many ophthalmologists offer the patient a preoperative monovision test with contact lenses to make sure that the post-surgery adaptation is successful.

Age alone does not automatically disqualify you from receiving a Lasik Michigan procedure, however, there are many factors that affect your candidacy for Lasik. Only an evaluation by a qualified LASIK professional will tell you if the laser vision correction is right for you and what technique is recommended for your treatment. On a side note, check out to find the best plastic surgery in Michigan.

The Yaldo Eye Center specializes in Lasik eye surgery with the leading Michigan laser eye surgery specialist, Dr. Yaldo. We use the latest technology in laser eye surgery to ensure that you or your loved one receives only the best we can offer. We offer financing options and consultations at our Farmington Hills and Garden City clinics.

The post Can you have Lasik over 50? appeared first on Top Michigan Lasik Eye Surgery | Yaldo Eye Center | (248) 553-9800.