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Treatments for Lung Cancer and Cancer

Mesothelioma or Lung cancer is a rаrе form of саnсеr that’s mоѕt оftеn саuѕеd by asbestos exposure. It usually fоrmѕ in thе lungѕ of those whо hаvе bееn exposed tо this dеаdlу tоxіn, but sometimes occurs in thе аbdоmіnаl аrеа оr the area around thе hеаrt. Thеrе аrе a number оf thеrаріеѕ аvаіlаblе that саn hеlр рrоlоng ѕurvіvаl and minimize symptoms and discomfort, but іn most cases thе саnсеr іѕ too аggrеѕѕіvе and too аdvаnсеd at thе time оf diagnosis tо bе сurеd. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with stage 4 mesothelioma, we can help you find proper treatment.

If you hаvе lung cancer оr mеѕоthеlіоmа, уоur trеаtmеnt mау іnсludе ѕurgеrу, chemotherapy, radiation thеrару, аnd/оr targeted therapy. (Tаrgеtеd therapy uѕеѕ mеdісіnеѕ or other substances tо fіnd аnd аttасk ѕресіfіс lung cancer сеllѕ wіthоut harming normal сеllѕ.)

Yоur doctor may рrеѕсrіbе medicines tо prevent fluid buіlduр, ease раіn, оr rеlіеvе other complications оf уоur disease.

If уоu hаvе lung cancer оr mеѕоthеl..

Information to managing nervousness and getting ready for Lasik

How to eliminate anxiety before your LASIK surgery

Most people who undergo surgeries face a stressful situation, and Michigan laser eye surgery is no exception. Although LASIK eye surgery Michigan is a fairly safe procedure, many patients experience some degree of anxiety in the days before surgery.

Fortunately, there are effective ways to reduce your anxiety that do not involve the use of medications. Consider applying these stress-relieving methods as the day of surgery approaches.

Enjoy technology and experience

LASIK is one of the most popular surgeries in the United States, with approximately 700,000 procedures performed annually. The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved the use in LASIK surgery of the same aerospace technology used by the US government for missile tracking. In addition, highly trained physicians who specialize in eye health have extensive experience in performing this procedure, which involves molding the cornea and does not require stitches. Thanks to the use of state-of-the-art technology and the experience of eye surgeons, more than 95 percent of people who undergo LASIK eye surgery Michigan achieve vision between 20/20 and 20/40 without needing lenses or Michigan contact lenses later.

Progressive muscle relaxation

Even with advanced LASIK technology and the experience of your Michigan lasik eye surgeon, you may still be nervous on the day of the procedure. Relaxation techniques can help you manage stress. Relaxation is not just about reassuring yourself or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that reduces the effects of stress on the mind and body.

In this relaxation technique, you concentrate on slowly tensing each muscle group and then relaxing it. It allows you to become more aware of physical sensations and helps focus on the difference between tension and muscle relaxation. Call lasik eye surgery near me for a consultation.

When performing this method begin by tensing and relaxing the muscles of the toes, and continue gradually upwards towards the neck and head. You can also start with the head and neck and continue the work downwards, towards the toes. Contract the muscles for about five seconds and then relax for 30 seconds, and repeat.


Dedicate at least 5 minutes every day to this practice. Ideally, you should do it in a quiet place, free of distractions. You have a wide range of techniques to choose from: concentration in the breath, emptying of the mind, contemplation of an object and the repetition of mantras (words with the ability to calm and potentiate the power of our mind) such as “I relax “,” I calm down “. You can get Detroit lasik eye surgery done at the Yaldo Eye center, we have the leading Michigan laser eye surgeon available to give you a consultation.

Imagery visualization

In this relaxation technique, you can form mental images to make a visual tour of a place or a peaceful and quiet situation.

To relax with visualization, try to incorporate as many senses as you can, such as smell, sight, hearing, and touch. For example, if you imagine yourself relaxing in the ocean, think of the smell of salt water, the sound of breaking waves and the warmth of the sun on your body.

It is advisable to close your eyes, sit in a quiet place, loosen tight clothing and focus on your breathing. Try to concentrate on the present and have positive thoughts.

Breathing with the diaphragm

Simply by modifying the way we breathe we can trigger a series of processes in our body that significantly reduce anxiety. The fact that breathing techniques are very easy to perform, makes this method an ideal exercise to start.

The objective of this technique is to make you learn to pay attention to your breathing and train yourself to get to breathe optimally.

To perform this technique you must follow the following steps:

Lie down on a flat surface facing upwards and maintaining a straight posture, although without contracting the muscles.
Place the palm of one of your hands on your abdomen and the other on your chest. For 20 seconds, pay attention to how breathing causes these two zones to move.
The fact that the chest moves much more than the abdomen is a sign of shallow breathing, which often means that we lack oxygen even though we do not realize it.
For at least 3 minutes, guide your breathing so that the abdomen moves more than the chest.

Maintain realistic expectations

Keep in mind that in some cases, patients experience minimal discomfort during the LASIK eye surgery Michigan procedure, which usually takes less than 15 minutes. The recovery time is usually short, and within 12-18 hours, most patients find that their vision is as good as when they wore glasses or contact lenses.

The post Guide to managing anxiety and preparing for Lasik appeared first on Top Michigan Lasik Eye Surgery | Yaldo Eye Center | (248) 553-9800.

Lasik shouldn’t be the one choice!

Lasik is not the only option!
Refraction correction alternatives to LASIK eye surgery

If your Michigan ophthalmologist told you that you are not an ideal candidate for LASIK surgery, do not lose hope, there are other alternatives that can reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses. The Yaldo eye center is one of the best lasik eye surgery Michigan clinics.

There are several reasons why a LASIK doctor may determine that you are not an ideal candidate for the procedure. For example, some patients have very thin corneas, severe refractive errors or other conditions that prevent them from undergoing LASIK. However, these patients may consider two other procedures: implantable contact lenses (ICL) and refractive lens exchange (RLE).

Implantable contact lenses (ICL)
Implantable contact lenses (ICL) correct vision in a manner very similar to external contact lenses, except for the fact that ICLs are placed inside the eye, improving vision permanently. ICLs are also similar to intraocular lenses that are used during cataract surgery to replace the lens. However, during surgery, the lens stays in the eye and works together with the implanted lens to correct vision. Implantable contact lenses provide an option to permanently correct vision for those who are not candidates for laser vision correction. Find a good Michigan laser eye surgery clinic can be challenging, the Yaldo eye center is one of your best options when it comes lasik eye surgery in Michigan.

Implantable contact lenses are inserted into the cornea through a small incision and placed behind the iris and in front of the lens. These thin flexible lenses can be an alternative to LASIK surgery and are used to correct disorders that laser surgery may not correct, such as extreme myopia. The ICL procedure is painless and has a success rate of 95%. The improvement in vision is perceived on the same day of the surgery, and the patients heal completely one month after lasik eye surgery Michigan.

Types of ICL
The main difference in implantable contact lenses is the type of material used for each lens. Currently, there are only two types of ICL approved for use in the United States: Verisyse is made with a type of acrylic called polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), and Visian ICL is the result of a combination of collagen and copolymer called Collamer® created by STAAR® surgical.


One or two weeks before inserting the contact lenses, the surgeon uses a laser to make two openings near the edge of each iris. This prevents the increase in intraocular pressure during lens insertion.

The lenses are inserted through a small incision made in the cornea of each eye. Once inside the eye, the doctor must ensure that the lenses remain in place. The ICL is undetectable for the user and viewers.

During both procedures, topical anesthesia is placed in the eyes to avoid discomfort. The ophthalmologist can also administer a sedative to keep the patient relaxed.

General requirements of the ICL

There are some general requirements to be a good candidate for ICL. Among the people who benefit most with implantable contact lenses are those who:

If you are over 21 years old (it is usually recommended that patients over 45 years of age do not undergo the ICL procedure)
Have moderate or severe myopia (generally, implantable contact lenses can correct up to -20D for myopia)
Do not have astigmatism or have mild astigmatism (implantable contact lenses that are approved can treat up to 2.5 diopters of astigmatism)
Currently not pregnant or breastfeeding
Have the anterior chamber of the eye with the proper depth. The ophthalmologist will determine the depth of the camera with a comprehensive eye test),
Are not eligible for LASIK (patients with dry eye, severe myopia, thin corneas, and other contraindications to LASIK may be candidates for implantable contact lenses.

Refractive Lens Exchange
Although Refractive Lens Exchange can correct nearsightedness, it is generally not recommended when ICLs are an option. The best candidates for RLE are usually people with presbyopia, a situation in which the lens loses its ability to focus due to its reduced elasticity, which generates difficulties for close vision. Therefore, in a large number of cases, it is logical to change the lens for a sophisticated artificial intraocular lens.

During the RLE procedure, the surgeon first applies topical anesthesia to the eyes and then makes a small incision in the edge of the cornea. The natural crystalline lens inside the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial, fitted intraocular lens. The recovery is usually quick and without complications. If you are looking for a Michigan laser eye surgery clinic or Michigan eye surgery doctor. Look no further than the Yaldo eye center for your lasik eye surgery Michigan needs.

The post Lasik is not the only option! appeared first on Top Michigan Lasik Eye Surgery | Yaldo Eye Center | (248) 553-9800.

Ought to I Be Avoiding Solar After A Hair Transplant? 

Avoiding Sun After A Hair Transplant Procedure. Is it Necessary?
Hair transplantation is an excellent treatment that allows permanent treatment of hair loss in men and women, the best way to guarantee the success of treatment is to fully follow the postoperative recommendations. Many patients who go for a consultation have many doubts regarding the effects that sun exposure could have after hair transplantation and believe avoiding sun after a hair transplant is necessary. In this article we are going to dive deep into reasons why avoiding sun after a hair transplant is recommended and how it all works.

It is important to keep in mind that the scalp needs a lot of time to heal and for the follicles to form their roots. Exposure to the sun not only damages the skin, but also the hair follicles. This will undoubtedly cause a failure in the treatment. Although, according to Michigan hair transplant specialists, there are many simple ways to avoid damage.

The sun has negative effects on..

Can Hair Transplant Surgery Leave Scars?

Does Hair Transplant Surgery Leave Scars?
The technique used to perform the hair transplant will determine whether or not scars remain after the procedure. In the treatments with the FUE and FUSS techniques, the results are very natural and differ from each other in the way in which the follicular units are extracted from the donor area. In both cases, local anesthesia is used and they do not require hospitalization or cause any pain. In this article we are going to dive deep in into the commonly debated question of does hair transplant surgery leave scars? There are many factors to this question and the answer is not a straight forward.

Hair graft with the FUE technique
When using the FUE technique (Follicular Unit Extraction Technique) there are no scars after the capillary implant. This is because this technique does not make large incisions since it uses a special surgical instrument called microscopic punching (usually about 0.8 mm in diameter). Therefore, FUE leaves microscopic..

 Asbestos Popcorn Ceilings: Are they Secure?

So the big question, Asbestos Popcorn ceilings: Are they safe? Back in the 1950’s and 1980’s there was a special type of ceiling that was in the form of a spray on texture type; popcorn ceiling. This style made it easy for contractors to hide unwanted blemishes quickly. Sadly, during this time span there was a tremendous demand for the use of this asbestos related product in the United States. About 1 and 10 percent of “popcorn ceilings,” “stucco ceiling”, “cottage-cheese ceiling,” and another populars name for this textured ceiling, generally had asbestos. Asbestos is dangerous and can cause cancer in which homeowners breathe in without knowing until years later are diagnosed with major health risks that could have been prevented.

If you are worried about “cottage cheese” ceilings in your residential home, I highly recommend you to purchase a test kit and or hire an asbestos abatement professional. If you purchase a test kit, you will have to gather a sample of the ceiling and mail i..

How LASIK significantly enhances quality of life

How can LASIK surgery better my quality of life?

Problems in vision can have a profound effect on a person’s life since they affect the performance and the image of the individual. The introduction of laser eye surgeries, in particular, LASIK surgery, has made it easier for many people to achieve better vision and with it, improve their quality of life. If you or a loved one is searching for Michigan laser eye surgery, look no further than the Michigan eye surgery clinic at the Yaldo eye center.

The LASIK procedure is an excellent option for patients who want to correct their refractive errors. In addition, surgery also offers a series of intangible benefits. Here are 5 ways in which the LASIK procedure can improve quality of life and increase confidence.

How LASIK Greatly Improves Quality of Life
1: “I feel freer and safer”.

After LASIK surgery increases confidence in the patient, when people with vision problems find themselves in active social events, they often feel uncomfortable or self-conscious. LASIK decreases insecurities since it reduces or even eliminates the dependence on corrective lenses for everyday activities. After laser vision correction, your vision can be greatly improved, which also improves your effectiveness both professionally and personally. Since it allows you to live and enjoy your life more spontaneously; LASIK will allow you to participate in activities that you may not have done if you were completely dependent on glasses or contact lenses. Searching for Lasik eye surgery Michigan can be difficult, trust your eyes with a leading Michigan laser eye surgery specialist at the Yaldo Eye Center.

2: “I no longer depend on contact lenses and prescription glasses.”

The LASIK procedure allows patients to see the world more clearly and reduce their dependence on corrective lenses. Laser eye surgery prevents the patient from depending on prescription glasses to perform activities of daily living. For example, you can read the traffic signs while driving, and you can see the numbers on the alarm clock every morning without looking for the glasses.

3: “I feel more confident when I do recreational activities”.

You will feel more comfortable during recreational activities after laser eye surgery. Since you will reduce your dependence on glasses and contact lenses, you will have greater confidence in your ability to see the world. The surgery allows patients to enjoy a more active lifestyle and participate in sports such as skiing or mountain biking, whose practice would be very complicated with the use of lenses.

While it is recommended to use proper eye protection as established by the governing body of the sport or the American Testing and Materials Society, you will no longer have to worry about losing your glasses in the ocean or breaking them while playing basketball.

4: “I have improved my work skills”.

Having an adequate vision is of great importance and benefit to standing out in your work activity, whether you are looking at small letters, reading a computer screen all day or being responsible for the safety of others. After LASIK eye surgery, it will be easier for you to find work, especially if you are engaged in tasks that require a perfect vision, such as a pilot, a firefighter, a police officer, a prison officer, a paramedic, and a lifeguard.

5: “People see the real me”.

After LASIK surgery, nothing will stand between you and the people you want to communicate with. Many patients experience an emotional benefit in being able to show their true identity and leave behind any negative experience that was associated with vision problems. The patient may choose to wear glasses at any time, and will not be restricted to specific styles or special lenses.

Many patients with LASIK call their treatment a life change and the above are just some of the reasons. Of course, we must keep in mind that each patient is different and the results of LASIK vary. Be sure to consult with your trusted ophthalmologist if laser eye surgery can be beneficial for you.

Who We Are | How LASIK Greatly Improves Quality of Life

The Yaldo Eye Center specializes in Lasik eye surgery Michigan with the leading Michigan laser eye surgery specialist, Dr. Yaldo. We use the latest technology in laser eye surgery to ensure that you or your loved one receives only the best we can offer. We offer financing options and consultations at our Detroit lasik eye surgery clinic.

The post How LASIK greatly improves quality of life appeared first on Top Michigan Lasik Eye Surgery | Yaldo Eye Center | (248) 553-9800.

Can Smoking Have an effect on My Hair Transplant?

Can Smoking Affect My Hair Transplant?
Patients with hair transplants should consider the impact of smoking on the results of their procedure, but also their general health and the well-being of the people around them. Its common for people to ask; will smoking affect my Hair Transplant results? Well, we are going to cover this today.

With the passage of time, smoking affects the respiratory system to the point of hindering the ability to breathe. It is even the main risk factor for cancer of the lung, bladder, and larynx. Cardiovascular diseases are also some of the main health risks of an active smoker.

In the United States, smoking accounts for almost 20% of all deaths from cardiovascular disease. In addition, the fact of smoking also poses a risk to people around the smoker, known as passive smokers. Exposure to tobacco smoke accounts for around 70,000 annual deaths from heart disease. If you are looking for a Hair Transplant Michigan surgeon we recommend you contact SurgeonGate..

Risks of Asbestos Contaminated Vermiculite Insulation On Your House

Dangers of Asbestos-Contaminated Vermiculite Insulation in Your Home
Do you hаvе, оr hаvе уоu heard оf Vermiculite Insulation? Vermiculite іѕ a mіnеrаl that іѕ nаturаllу-оссurrіng and hаѕ an аbundаnсе оf shiny flаkеѕ. Whеn thіѕ mаtеrіаl hеаtѕ іt expands tо аѕ muсh аѕ 30 times the original ѕіzе аnd is fire-resistant аnd еxtrеmеlу lіghtwеіght.

It wаѕ dіѕсоvеrеd in a mіnе сlоѕе tо Libby, Mоntаnа, and wаѕ sold in thе United States. It wаѕ іnіtіаllу thоught tо be a very good way tо insulate hоmеѕ аnd buѕіnеѕѕеѕ. Unfortunately, vermiculite, which іѕ оnе оf the mоѕt wіdеlу uѕеd mаtеrіаlѕ іn hоmе іnѕulаtіоn, іѕ bеlіеvеd to hаvе trасеѕ оf asbestos in іt. Asbestos іѕ harmful fоr thе health as іnhаlіng іt саn саuѕе asbestosis – a ѕеrіоuѕ lung disease. Therefore, іt becomes important fоr hоmеоwnеrѕ tо remove Vermiculite insulation frоm their аttісѕ. Hоwеvеr, іt іѕ highly rесоmmеndеd that the рrосеѕѕ оf removing Vermiculite іѕ carried out by рrоfеѕѕіоnаlѕ. Yоu might be еxроѕіng yourself and уоur f..